Friday 19 October 2007

stop motion

i have loved doin the stop motion pics specially since i got to spend the day in the park meeting weird people whilst doing so. i have spent more time working on the stop motion work on my day off when my group all met up then the whole 2 weeks, very proud of us :) cant wait til tues when we start finalising our editing as it will make it look better with all the enhancements added. specially the flower section where all is goin to be in greyscale except for the petals which weill remain the bright pink they originally were, im thinking it wil look very effective. today in my tutorial looked at some other work and one other group had concentrated on perspective looking at making objects appear and dissapear which wasinteresting although the theme seemed mainly to be about eating which was slightly worrying. and another had a story to it which worked well although ours which is more random witout a story also works well it did give the piece more structure. i also liked the effects as they use a CCTV effect and worked on zooming in and out which gave the film something a little different. next step is finding a track to accompany the film by thurs so i best be off to start looking.

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