Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Atonement Interactive Site Analysis


Media types used

Rollover buttons – highlighted by colour change

Rollover pictures – highlighted by darkening in colour

Interactive activities – write your own letter

Video clips – appear in own box and the user has control over play

Moving video clips mixed with stills

Animated loading pages

Commentary with clips – user cannot pause however can close


Pages peel across

Navigational arrows – allowing the viewer to skip sections they do not wish to read

Scroll bar if information too large


Classical track used as background – adds feeling of urgency and distress – reflecting the emotions throughout the film

Main sound can be left on or off at the viewers choice giving them control

Sound effects of a type writer whenever you rollover a link

There is a different background track for the different sections of the site

Voice over – acting as the narrative – on section of exploring characters (Robbie)

Different music for each character

Spacial awareness

Spaced well as always fills page allowing some space so not overcrowded

In explore the story section the writing does overlap the picture but on the background so as not to obscure the main focus of the picture.

Film clips in smaller frame and aligned centred to direct attention to them – the background around them fazed out so all attention centred on them


The genre of the site is to promote the film as this is shown with the release date sections but it is also to inform the viewer of the characters and the links between them and this becomes the narrative. The narrative is shown in many ways throughout this site, through the video clips, the letters shown and the quotes from the film included. The most powerful part of the narrative is the voice over explaining Robbie’s determination to be re-united again. Another key narrative is that of communication and the lengths we will go to stay in touch with those we love.

Disadvantages of the site

Some of the applications included require another window to be opened and this can be annoying, as once on the site you don’t want to flick between windows

Some of the sections were not complete and this was frustrating as like was there but not usable.

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