Monday 5 November 2007

single shot - meeting 1

Background Research

Ok well today we got together for our first meeting to brainstorm our ideas and see what we could come up with for our single shot film. We started by looking at the site recommended in the tutorial single-shot but were not very inspired and instead became confused as to what single shot was as in the brief we are given it says we may only move the camera ONCE but what movement is meant by this? location or just generally side to side? we couldnt even get an answer from the films we were viewing as many seemed to involve alot of movement and or location changes. Looking for an explanation as to what single shot filming involved we came across a website that was really helpful and pretty much outlined what single shot was and the aspects of it just so you all can get a better idea yourselves here it is We also looked at a few films on you-tube and one that particularly stood out was a clip from the warrior king that was all done in one shot the camera movement was really effective and gave a first person feel and the use of the stairs was something we would like to incorporate into our film after viewing the clip

Initial Idea

After thinking about other ideas such as a work scene showing the day at work and the way we might choose to entertain ourselves we moved on and thought about looking into doing something outside. Which then progressed into a forest scene with a surreal figure and are now looking into possible locations for this idea.

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