Wednesday 30 January 2008

Self Identity - Looking into avatars


Ok well I have started to look into sites available to create avatars and see what I design as I feel this would be a good insight into how I view myself. The site I have looked at is where you are able to make an avatar which can be used on any online communities you may have such as facebook, blogger etc. There is also a virtual world called Zwinktopia where you can meet people and earn money to buy things. Therefore allowing you to become part of a craze that seems to be rapidly expanding, the chance to enter another world. I have noticed this since looking into identity due to the vast amounts of sites available.
The Sims 2

When I was younger I used to play the game The Sims 2 and there was a dialogue box where you choose your personality type. This would be a good way of looking into my identity as I have made a Sim based on myself within the game. I will be able to retrieve this information when I am next home although I can remember that out of the choices on life aspiration I always chose ‘Family’ showing that family has played an important part of my identity and who I am.

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