Wednesday 16 April 2008

finalising box and looking into enviroment

Ok I decided to go with the shap of the treasure box that set this idea in motion for the final box idea. I chose this as I feel it has a good way to be interactive with the opening of the different compartments allowing objects to be taken out by dragging and dropping leaving the option for then more interaction with each object individually. The box can be made more persoanl by the box being decorated with pictures of me or perhaps me with family and friends rather than being plain wood like the one I got the idea from.
I then thought about where I woud place my box or if I would leave it as just the box and below are my initial ideas.

I think I am going to go with idea of my bed using the besd I have alreasy made as this is where I keep my own special box of personal memories and objects. Also I think it works well as your identity is hidden in the dark depths which this box will be too.

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