Thursday 8 May 2008

User Feedback!

The user feedback showed that each part has a level of interactivity within it as interactivity was marked highly. Due to the AV aspect being marked low within the user testing I feel firstly they could be speeded up, once in the site the playback speed was slower than I had anticipated; also the quality of the videos could be improved by working on the pixilation. Another low scorer was the sound, this could be improved by having a background track on each of the pages, however after looking at websites in the research stage I decided against this as I sometimes find this irritating as the user. It was also suggested the buttons could be made of a larger area in the opening page as they were originally just along the lines and this is an improvement I have made. The most successful part of the site according to the user feedback is the draws opening whereas the least liked section was the perfume as it was said to be hard to navigate.

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