Monday, 10 November 2008

Tea company website research…Possible Re-design???

PG Tips …

The site is very clean and organised and uses the brand colours throughout since PG is a recognised brand and so are the colours to those who purchase them when shopping. The page is split into 3 sections left, navigational menu, centre, information, right, banners. This layout is kept throughout giving the site a consistent feel and any flash content (normally movie) is inserted in the centre section. However majority of the site is HTML rather than flash.

The interactivity of the site is heightened with the ‘game on’ section where users are encouraged to take a break with the use of a banner. Other banners use the rollover effect with the text making the purpose of the banner clear and giving further information, this proves to be effective.

The site again is simple and clean although with the brown colours and more detailed pictures it has a more adult sophisticated feel. Also the site is like the PG site split into 3 sections however this time consisting of header, navigational menu, centre information, footer, banners. The flash content is displayed in the centre and is used as a menu under each section to go to further information; this gives the site a consistent feel, as does the fact that the brown colour scheme is continued throughout. The rest of the site is HTML so the flash is only used where needed.

The banners used within the site are usually static and I feel this is somewhere where the site could be improved, however interactivity is available to the user within the flash sections.

Again the majority of the site is HTML with the centre section occasionally consisting of flash. The layout of the site has a header and right side border both consisting of navigation and acting as a page border and a centre section for information. The whole page is aligned left and I don’t like the look of this and think it would be better suited centred. The colour used throughout is blue representative of the products packaging. There are not really any banners used, as it is more tabs used throughout in a button effect.

Yorkshire Tea…

This site is shocking! The colours, the pictures, the quality everything. Compared to the previous sites looked at this one is very poor. There is no interactivity, no flash in any form and no banners to advertise the company or its products. As the site advertises that it is a family business I suppose the poor design could be due to a family member with little experience may have designed it. This site is in need of bringing into the now as it seems stuck in the past and would be the perfect opportunity for a re-design!

There is no flash used on this site and it is completely made up of HTML. The layout of the site consists of a navigational header and footer and then the centre section for information. The images used and the white space makes the design clean and simple. And the colours used are recognisable to the brand. There are no banners advertising the company or its products however the products are clearly displayed in the footer. The site is consistent throughout however it is lacking in interactivity, which could easily be improved with banners.

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