Monday 2 March 2009

ERD #1 = redesign of idea!

After completing my initial ERD I realised that within the time frame available and with my limited php skills the scale of what I wanted to achieve was too large and far too complex. The original concept as demonstrated by the ERD was to create a social networking site for Nightclubs within the Essex area where I live. You would be able to create a member profile explaining briefly about you and your music preferences, join groups for the different nightclubs which then had in depth pages on the nights available where members would be able to leave comments and upload photos of them attending those nights. I also wanted the site to have a more social feel by having comments on the member pages so they would be able to organise attending these events as a group through leaving comments. Within the homepage I also wanted to include a graph visualising the most popular nights and clubs so the members would know which clubs to attend for the best nights.
However this idea has had to be reduced but the key aspects have remained the same. The main difference is that instead of having multiple clubs and multiple nights I will instead have a social site for one club with the groups being the nights that you join rather than numerous clubs. This led me to thinking of using the site as a promotional site for a new club where members join to find out information about it and the nights and then comment and upload photos and the club can then work out what nights to keep or improve, this also still leaves scope for future development into my original idea by learning some of the basics in php. The members will still be able to upload and comment however it will only be on the night pages, with a photo gallery and comments page attached to each. For the more social feel of the site I will create an inner email system to contact each other on a more personal level.

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