Thursday 30 April 2009

Bestwood Client Project ~ Design #2!

For this design I decided to go with a brighter feel with the colour scheme as it would give the site a fresh feel hopefully appealing to a younger ‘youth’ audience. The pit wheel and miner images stand out with the use of block colour and there is scope for the bottom image to change on different pages to reflect the information included. The use of the black and white images still shows that there is a history of the mine and links into the greys within the design well. The side navigation works well within the layout as it balances out the bottom image and is clean and simple. I incorporated a footer within this design after reviewing work on Ashley’s blog and finding that I liked the use of a footer within his designs.

Feel free to comment :)

1 comment:

@$h said...

I really like the block of colour for the mining wheel and then the two miners at the bottom. Plus, the broken line under the wheel gives it an edgier look.

The colouring is good and would be easily legible. The links are easy to use, having their own visual division.

A custom typeface would really elevate the piece, helping to achieve the desired look and appear individual.

I believe this design could definitely be taken further. If I were to change anything it would be to incorporate the styling of the wheel and the broken line elsewhere in the site, for example, a left hand nav box using this look.

Good work!