Tuesday 3 November 2009

Personalised web advertising another step forward!

I was doing a bit of online shopping for my friends sons christmas present and had been on the 'Marks&Spencer' website as they had some dinosaur toys and he is obsessed with dinosaurs. Later that evening I was browsing 4OD when an advert caught my eye as I realised it was the products I had viewed earlier!

I followed the link to find out more about the provider and found it was a company called 'Criteo' which tracked users views so they could target them specifically later with the products they viewed helping to encourage customers who viewed products and then left the site without buying to return to the site and purchase them.

I found it quite strange to think that my viewing history was being tracked without me even knowing and wonder just how many websites are using this new marketing trend!

1 comment:

@$h said...

Scary. Or if you're naieve and care free - how jolly helpful to remind me of what I "forgot" to push the BUY button for!

There's recently been something similar like this from an online ad company called Phorm. It apparently tracked people's behaviour online: "users are ... targeted with adverts that are more tailored to their interests on partner websites that have signed up to Phorm's technology." BBC Tech News

It's since been given the boot by a number of companies because of fears of data interception and privacy.