Sunday, 4 April 2010

Homemade! Validation

I spent hours validating the site using the W3C Validator as I couldnt work out what was bringing up an error! Turns out the meta tag code was typed slightly wrong with an example I had found using 'META'and it actually needed to be 'meta'. There was also an error within the keywords text where the word cafe was displaying as Caf�. Once I had worked out these issues finally the site validated successfully :D

However due to wordpress widgets being applied for contact forms and sidebars there are errors on pages containing these but this is something i cannot change as the code is being written by wordpress.

The pages including the widgets are:

-Cakes to Order
-Sandwich King
-Contact Homemade
-Friends of Homemade

The pages without widgets which validate completely are:

-Cafe Menu
-Wedding Catering
-Party Booking
-Find Homemade

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