Wednesday 7 November 2007

Pixilation influences


We first looked at this in the seminar and I liked the simplicity that it was following her on a journey and the change of person. I therefore incorporated it into my pixilation with the camera following Ollie’s journey and the changes occurring in the lift and the spin sections. We also used some of the ideas from this when taking the pictures and used the jumps as a starting point of other effects we could achieve. The track in here is also similar to mine and this is why I wanted to use something upbeat as it keeps the movement fluent.

Human skateboard

This was another piece we looked at in our seminar and we really liked the thought of incorporating skateboarding into our pictures. The simple sound effects in this work well but as I included other effects I felt an audio track would work better.


When taking the pictures of the flower we discussed reversing it and I decided to take a look at some reverse videos and found that they looked really effective so decided that I would put the flower section in reverse order within the film.

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