Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Bestwood Client Project ~ Market research…websites liked #1!

The first thing that really drew me to this site was the use of the images down the left hand side of the page. They are bold and striking and immediately give you a feel for who and what the website is about. This technique could easily be transferred into our own designs with the use of mining objects such as those found in our brain storming exercise.

The second thing that caught my eye was the large old style picture across the top of the page. This picture sets the colour scheme and allows the menu to neatly sit across the top. The text used within the site has a feeling of being handwritten and I feel this gives the site a personal touch.

Within other pages there are substantial amounts of text that I feel could have been broken up either with an image or border to give the user a break within reading. However images are used well within the different pages in the sense that the top and side image change to a picture related to that subject. I like the use of the title bar being situated across the image and although obscuring the image slightly I do not feel it takes anything away from it. This is a much more artistic way of displaying a heading rather than just simply having it in text at the top of the page.

The use of a tabletop as the background to set the scene further works well and has lead to the idea of possibly using mining blueprints or coal as a background to our site as it will help the user to identify clearly what the site is about.

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