Thursday 15 October 2009

PRP! Tutorial #1

Well this was a tad scary! I have realised I have previously given myself such a large research area I am not quite sure where to start on refining it to a single question! Firstly personalization within the web is HUGE and secondly it is up and coming which I feel may limit my research material. Therefore at present after a few hours panick researching I have decided for now to look more closely at personalized recommendations within shopping sites as this has been around for a longer period so is likely to have research material available to me.

During the tutorial we disscussed what the research project is to include in detail reading through each section within the breif. We have set a deadline within our tutor group to have a mock sign off sheet completed stating both our question and the 6 related artefacts by next weeks tutorial.

So wish me luck!

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