Sunday 3 January 2010


As the client wants a CMS run website i am looking into the idea of learning a bit more wordpress and developing the basic layout to incorporate the designs I choose. Therefore research into this has begun and i am eagerly awaiting the release of an upcoming book Smashing Wordpress: Beyond the Blog (Smashing Magazine Book Series) by Thord Daniel Hedengren (Paperback - 22 Jan 2010).

The reason I have chosen to use wordpress rather than create my own is that it is a secure area and as this is a project for a real client I do not want to put the information of the client and the website produced at risk.

1 comment:

@$h said...


For a heads up about Wordpress, I found this really useful starter article. It tells you step by step how to create a Wordpress theme.

The best thing I've found about Wordpress is the user interface approach for admin, and the amount of widgets that people have created to serve a number of uses. e.g. gallery. No need to make your own, this does everything and more, all in a user friendly front end interface, perfect for clients.