Wednesday 20 February 2008

Self Identity #4 - Pitures and 3D Elements

I have been working on the 3d elements to go with my box of enviroments one by one so that I can then ‘Merge’ them all into the box and scale them to the correct size within it. So far I have created the mirror for my room, a ballet bar and mirror for the ballet room and started making a bed for my bedroom.

While I was home this weekend I have taken pictures needed and have pictures of me from behind to be used as though looking in the mirror, me drinking a up of tea within my room, and pictures of my room to be used to decorate the walls of the box within the bedroom enviroment.
I also took pictures of me dancin in my Pointe shoes in prepeartion of my pixilation idea for the 2nd identity project of the interactive box.
I also photoshoped a picture of me in an outfit from a show and put it on a picture taken from side of stage where the stage lights can be seen. As I have decided to use the fact that there are 4 mirrors within my dance hall and I thought that I could show my progression through dance to reach being on stage.

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