Monday 4 February 2008

There #3 - Try it huts

I have been using the try it huts today to get a new look and see how I feel this effects interaction. The try it huts allow the use of clothing and hairstyles on a trial basis without having to pay, and it is available to you for 4 hours. You get a limited choice but it allows you to for a change to feel a little more like yourself rather than a cloned figure.

I then went to the world CosmoGirl via the map, which I have found useful in transporting throughout the world.

I chose to try out my new look in CosmoGirl, as it is generally a busy world with a lot of groups sitting and chatting so it is a good way to meet new interesting people. I made some new buddies and found that guys were much more likely to talk to me with my new improved look and I found I could put a little bit more of my own personality in to the avatar sine I was feeling a little more confident with the help of my new look.

One of the people I met gave me some valuable information on when visiting Zephyr land about using a force field as it allows you to not be run over as I previously had been so next time I visit I will be sure to check mine is active.

I am beginning to enjoy starting conversations within the worlds more however I still feel vulnerable when interacting with others as I don’t like the feeling that you don’t really know the real person you are talking to which you always do when conversing in the real world. I am also still finding it hard to remember to respond to people calling me Freya as I forget they will not be using my real name within this virtual world. Although I can see the comfort people get out of the interaction which to be honest does feel very realistic when having a conversation and the fact that it is nice to loose yourself for an hour or two and be someone else for a change.

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