Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Tutorial - Being Connected

After the lecture today on Being connected I have come to the conclusion that I am much more of a follower of post modernism as I take into account other peoples ideas and tend to value looking at situations within context, rather than having fixed ideals based mainly on history like that of a modernist view. I agree with the theories about communication, collaboration and sharing. This is because I feel that that when you share ideas it gives them a chance to develop into something greater and other peoples opinions can point out advantages and/or disadvantages that you as the creator of that initial idea cannot see. The use of cultural codes make sense to me since it opens up a wider audience for your ideas which to me makes a lot of sense as if you cant distribute your ideas successfully nothing will come of them. I feel that it is wrong to say that the use of cultural codes and common languages stop the individual ideas as it is still your ideas but voiced in a more universal way. Manuel Castells theory of using a common language creating connections of ideas made a lot of sense to me as if you are unable to voice your ideas successfully you are often left alone without the means of actually creating what you want without the help of others and if you try to achieve this it is very likely you will end up isolated and fail.
[(http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m4422/is_4_16/ai_54260069/pg_4) pages 4-6 most relevant]

The internet especially has helped to create a web of communication enabling to come with it sharing and collaboration, therefore meaning we are able to learn form each other and new ideas come with being interconnected (Valentina Culatti, Neural.it).

With the internet has also come about the idea of Web 2.0 a term explaining the large networks we are now apart of where we al share a context and can relate our ideas to each other, for example the use of Facebook, Blogger etc. Allowing links between sites to follow the expansion of ideas.

This has brought about viral marketing, which is based upon these links with people to promote and distribute ideas and products. Without the links within networks this method would not be possible. This is a key element to me as a multimedia student as it will provide a way of promoting my work within a network interested in this field possibly an idea for a way of promoting my portfolio to achieve employment in the future.

The lecture today made me realise the strength of being in a network allowing sharing and collaborations to occur and new ideas to be formed and developed.I believe we are all becoming interstitial nodes as we are all becoming a junction within at least one network within our life and indeed I for one am an interstitial node and proud of it.

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