Thursday, 23 October 2008

Neworking - SPP2

"The essential point of networking is human contact; business has killed networking by making it something for the career orientated person?"

If networking were now only for the career minded, sites such as facebook would not be in existence. However facebook is one of the most largely used networking sites on the web today. Connecting people all over the world and most importantly not in a business sense. But connecting people in a social sense meeting people who share the same interests and keeping in touch with friends and family. Therefore i believe this statement to be wrong in suggesting that networking can only be used in a business sense.

However a development such as networking sites although proving that networking is not only for business may be killing networking itself if as this statement has devised human contact is the essential point. Therefore it is the business that is keeping networking alive not killing is as it is the sites that do not allow human contact whereas business promotes it and many business networking involves client meetings and networking events where human contact is essential.

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