1. Problems with achieving what is wanted in wordpress (high risk) - if the site is based around using the cms of wordpress it requires a high undertanding of how it works which i may find hard to achieve, and especially achieve the look i want from the design. However we have been discussing other ways of using a cms and thinking about looking at other open source software which we may be able to link to our site rather than create a css template. This way would be an alternative if there are problems with wordpress and would also allow the design not to be compromised. 2. The client is unhappy with the design once the 4th milestone is reached and they want more than the 5 changes allowed (low risk) - This can easily be overcome by keeping in constant contact throughout the design stages and making sure everything the client has asked for where possible is included.
3. IE8, with the new internet explorer comes new rules and it will mean validation may take longer than expected (medium risk) - as long as the designs are completed earlier enough for this to be taken into consideration and tested this risk should be avoided.
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