Friday, 23 April 2010

Artefact 5! Findings

Screen and webcam recordings of participant interaction indicated levels of engagement and interaction times. Finding the designed level banner was the most successful with the highest overall interaction time (Designed: 2min 26sec. Non-designed: 1min 41sec. Platform: 1min 48sec), proving expectations to be correct. The webcam results displayed higher concentration levels on all level banners proving higher engagement levels to be gained using levels.

A short Q&A was then completed surrounding banner preference and placement. Finding that the level banner was preferred (level: 50%. Non-level: 33%. Neither: 17%), however the reason why was inconclusive. The results were 50/50 when asked which banner was interacted with first. Indicating placement does not affect users over preference.

The next development is to create the ultimate advertising banner!

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